



















教 学 情 况


研究生:高等统计学(硕士),数理统计前沿问题,高维数据分析I、II(硕士、博士),Advanced Statistics(博士)

科 研 情 况



[83] Peng, L., Liu, X. (通讯作者), Tan, X., Zhou, Y., Luo, S., (2023). The statistical rate for support matrix machines under low rankness and row (column) sparsity. Statistical Papers. 返修.

[82] Zhang, J., Fan, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, X., (2023). Towards a unified test for the intercept of autoregressive models. Journal of Applied Statistics. 返修.

[81] 邓子威,刘小惠(通讯作者),李园园,刘庆,朱恩文(2023). 一类基于Lq-范数的新型zonoid深度. 系统科学与数学. 返修.

[80] Liu, Q., Xia, C., Liu, X., (通讯作者) (2023). Limit theory for an AR(1) model with intercept and a possible infinite variance. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. DOI : 10.1007/s13226-023-00506-y.

[79] Zhu, E., Deng, Z., Zhang, H., Cao, J., Liu, X., (2023). Asymptotic inferences in the random coefficient autoregressive model with time-functional variance noises. 应用数学学报英文版. 返修.

[78] Tan, X., Peng, L., Xiao, P., Rizk, Z., Liu, X. (通讯作者), (2023). Expectile trace regression via low-rank and group sparsity regularization. Statistics. 录用.

[77] Li, C., Xiao, P., Ying, C., Liu, X. (通讯作者), (2023). Sliced Average Variance Estimation for Tensor Data. 应用数学学报英文版. 返修.

[76] Liu, Q., Zhang, J., Liu, X. (通讯作者), Hu, Z., 2023. Bahadur representations for the bootstrap median absolute deviation and the application to projection depth weighted mean. Metrika. Subject to revision.

[75] 刘小惠,范雅文,赵涵,范东慧,2023. 基于随机加权自助法的市场弱势有效性检验. 数理统计与管理. 录用.

[74] Chen, L., Liu, X., Peng, L., Zhu, F., 2023. Unified Inference for an Integer-valued AR(1) Model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. Subject to revision.

[73] Liu, X.(共同一作), Peng, L.(共同一作), Li, H., Liu, Y., 2023. Testing for serial correlation in predictive regression models without restricting the properties of predictors. Journal of Financial Econometrics. Subject to revision.

[72] Zhang, J., Li, B., Wang, Y., Liu, X. (通讯作者), Peng, P., 2023. Empirical likelihood unifies the stable and unstable integer-valued AR(1) models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 录用.

[71] Liu, X., Rizk, Z. (学生), Peng, L., Zhou, Y., Lian, H., 2022. Generalized Functional Additive Models in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Statistics and Its Inferface. Subject to revision.

[70] Rao Y., Fan, Y.(学生), Ao, H.,(学生), Liu., X. (通讯作者), 2022. A new portmanteau test for predictive regression models with possible embedded endogeneity. Journal of Time Series Analysis. Revised.

[69] Yang, B., Long, W., Liu, X., Peng, L., 2022. A Unified Predictability Test Using Weighted Inference And Random Weighted Bootstrap. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. Revised.

[68] Luo, S., Wang, D., Dai, Y., Liu, X., 2023. Grated Recurrent Unit Network Quantile Regression for Silicon Content Prediction in Blast Furnace. ISIJ International. 63(11).

[67] Fan, Y.(学生), Liu, X., Cao, Y.(学生), Liu, S.(学生), 2023. Jackknife empirical likelihood based diagnostic checking for AR(p) models. Computational Statistics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01385-x.

[66] Liu, Y.(学生), Peng, L., Liu, Q., Lian, H., Liu, X.(通讯作者), 2023. Functional additive expectile regression in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Jouranl of Multivariate Analysis. Volume 198, November 2023, 105214.

[65] Liu, X., Chen, H., Ma, X., Yu, H., Yang, H., Ai L., Liu Q., Wu L., 2023. The retrospective data analysis on the spectrum of nervous system diseases in children. Scientific Reports. In press.

[64] Tan, X., Peng, L., Xiao, P., Liu, Q., Liu, X.(通讯作者), 2023. Optimal convergence rate for sparse and low-rank quantile trace regression. Journal of Complexity. Online first. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0885064X2300047X.

[63] Fan, Y. (学生), Liu, X., Luo, T., Rao, Y., Li, H.(学生), 2023. Testing Serial Correlation in a General d-factor Model with Possible Infinite Variance. Journal of Applied Statistics. 10.1080/02664763.2023.2231175.

[62] Yang, B., Liu, X., Long, W., Peng, L., 2022. A Unified Unit Root Test Regardless of Intercept. Econometric Reviews. Accepted for Publication.

[61] Ding, J., Jiang, L., Liu, X., Peng, L. 2023. Nonparametric Tests For Market Timing Ability Using Daily Mutual Fund Returns. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jedc.2023.104635.

[60] Liu, X., Long, W., Peng, L., Yang, B., 2023. A Unified Inference for Predictive Quantile Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 已录用.

[59] 李传权,方岚然(学生),苏琦(学生),刘小惠,盛积良, 2023. 基于复杂网络的开源软件生态系统研究–以R软件为例, 系统科学与数学. 录用.

[58] Zhang, J., Li, B., Liu, X., Wan, X.(学生), 2023. Asymptotic behavior of the portmanteau tests in an integer-valued AR model. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, https://doi.org/10.1080/10485252.2023.2175594.

[57] Wei, X.(学生), Liu, X., Fan, Y.(学生), Tan, L., Liu Q., 2022. A unified test for the AR error structure of an autoregressive model. Axioms. 11(12), 690, https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11120690.

[56] Wang, Q. (学生), Liu, X., Fan, Y. (学生), Peng, L., 2022. Testing the Intercept of a Balanced Predictive Regression Model. Entropy, 2022, 24, 1594.

[55] Liu, Y. (学生), Liu, X., Pan, Y. (学生), Jiang, J., Xiao, P. (学生). An empirical comparison of various MSPE estimators and associated prediction intervals for small area means, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 10.1080/00949655. 2022.2144854.

[54] 李传权,马海强,刘小惠,刘育孜(学生), 2022. 基于Huber损失的稳健张量回归及其应用. 数理统计与管理. 录用.

[53] Liu, X., Fan, Y. (学生), Liu, Y. (学生), Luo,S., 2022. A Unit Root Test for an AR(1) Process with A Errors by Using Random Weighted Bootstrap. 数学学报, 录用.

[52] Liu, X., Fan, D. (学生), Zhang, X., Liu, C., 2022. Empirical likelihood-based portmanteau tests for autoregressive moving average models with possible infinite variance. Statistics and Its Interface. In Press.

[51] 程宏波, 钟文帆,陈艳华,李加加,刘小惠, 2022. 一种基于Lasso理论的牵引变电所接地网腐蚀诊断方法. 铁道学报, 录用.

[50] Li, H. (学生), Liu, X., Chen, Y. (学生), Fan, Y. (学生), 2022. Testing for serial correlation in autoregressive exogenous models with possible GARCH errors. Entropy. 24, 1076.

[49] Peng, L., Tan, X., Xiao, P.(学生), Rizk, Z.(学生), Liu, X.(通讯作者), 2022. Oracle inequality for sparse trace regression models with exponential beta-mixing errors. 数学学报英文版, 在线发表.

[48] 刘小惠,李园园(学生). 2022. 回归深度函数的一般概念. 应用数学学报. 2022, 5:461-482.

[47] Yang, Y., Fan, Y. (学生), Jiang, L., Liu, X. (通讯作者), 2022. Search query and tourism forecasting during the pandemic: When and where can digital footprints be helpful as predictors? Annals of Tourism Research. 93, 103365.

[46] Wang, L., Zhang, J., Li, B., Liu, X., 2022. Quantile trace regression via nuclear norm regularization. Statistics and Probability Letters, Volume 182, March 2022.

[45] Liu, X., Wang, L., Ma, X.(麻先思), Wang, J.(王婕雯), Wu, L., 2021. Modeling the effect of age on quantiles of the incubation period distribution of COVID-19. BMC Public Health, 21: 1762 (2021).

[44] 刘育孜(学生),曲维荣,崔珍,刘小惠(通讯作者),徐文婧(学生),蒋继明, 2021. 基于分类混合效应模型预测方法和卫星遥感数据的农作物面积估算.数理统计与管理. 10.13860/j.cnki.sltj.20211130-027.

[43] 罗婷(学生),刘小惠,程宏波. Elastic-Net变量选择及其在配网投资决策中的应用.电力系统保护与控制.49(23):1-8, 2021.

[42] Yang, G., Liu, X., Lian, H., 2021. Optimal prediction for high-dimensional functional quantile regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Journal of Complexity. Volume 66, October 2021, 101568.

[41] Liu, X., Ma, H., Jiang, J., 2022. That Prasad-Rao is Robust: Estimation of Mean Squared Prediction Error of Observed Best Predictor under Potential Model Misspecification, Statistica Sinica, 32, 2217-2240.

[40] Liu, X., Lu, W., Lian, H., Liu, Y.(学生), Zhong, Z.Y. 2022, Partially Linear Additive Functional Regression, Statistica Sinica, 32, 2199-2216.

[39] Liu, X., Wang, Y.(学生), Fan, Y.(学生), Liu, Y.(学生), Statistical inferences for a partially linear model with autoregression errors, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 2022, 38:1-22.

[38] Liu, X., Li, Y., Jiang, J., Simple Measures of Uncertainty for Model Selection. Test, 2020, https://link.springer.com/article/10. 1007/s11749-020-00737-9.

[37] Liu, X., Ma, H., Jiang, J., Assessing Uncertainty in Small Area Estimation Involving Model Misspecification: A One-bring-one Route, 中国科学数学, 2020, 10.1007/s11425-020-1797-4.

[36] Liu, X., Liu, Y. (学生), Rao, Y., Lu, F., A unified test for the intercept of a predictive regression model, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2021, 83: 571-588.

[35] Yuan, Y.F., Liu, X., Chen, Y. (学生), Dong, Y. (学生), Liu, Y.(学生), On similarity of the sample projection depth contours and its application. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, DOI:10.1080/03610926.2020.1802651.

[34] Liu, X., Liu, Y. (学生), Lu, F., Empirical likelihood-based uniform confidence region for a predictive regression model, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 2020+, 10.1080/03610918.2019.1670841.

[33] Yang, B., Liu, X., Peng, L., Cai, Z., Unified Tests for a Dynamic Predictive Regression, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2021, 39: 684-699.

[32] Rahman, J.(学生), Luo, S., Fan, Y.(学生), Liu, X., Semiparametric Efficient Inferences for Generalised Partially Linear Models, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 2020, 32, 704-724.

[31] 刘小惠,何阳(学生),麻先思(学生),罗良清. 有关新冠肺炎潜伏期和疑似期的统计数据分析:基于湖北省外2172条确诊数据. 应用数学学报. 2020, 43: 278-294.

[30] Huang, H., Leng, X., Liu, X., Peng, L., Unified Inference for an AR Process with Possible Infinite Variance GARCH Errors, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2020, 18, 425-470.

[29] Liu, X., Luo, S., Zuo, Y., Some results on the computing of Tukey’s halfspace median, Statistical papers, 2020, 61(1), 303-316.

[28] Liu, X., He, Y.(学生), RR-plot: A descriptive tool for regression observations, Journal of Applied Statistics, 2020, 47: 76-90.

[27] 范雅文(学生), 刘小惠, 预测回归模型序列相关性的Jackknife经验似然比检验. 系统科学与数学. 2019, 39: 1471-1485.

[26] Liu, X., Mosler, K., Mozharovskyi, P., Fast computation of Tukey trimmed regions and median in dimension p>2, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2019, 28, 682-697.

[25] Liu, X., Rahman, J.(学生), Luo, S., Generalized and robustified empirical depths for multivariate data, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2019, 146, 70-76.

[24] Liu, X., Yang, B., Cai, Z., Peng, L., A Unified Test for Predictability of Asset Returns Regardless of Properties of Predicting Variables, Journal of Econometrics, 2019, 208, 141-159.

[23] Liu, X., Peng, L., Asymptotic Theory and Unified Confidence Region For An Autoregressive Model, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2019, 40, 43-65.

[22] Liu, Y., Liu, X., Testing conditional independence with data missing at random. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2018, 33, 298-312.

[21] Liu Y., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Testing conditional independence via integrating-up transform, Statistics, 2018, 52, 734-749.

[20] Liu, X., Luo, S., Zuo, Y., The limit of finite sample breakdown point of Tukey’s halfspace median for general data, Acta Math Sinica(SCI), 2018, 34, 1403-1416.

[19] Liu, X., Zuo, Y., Wang, Q.H., Finite sample breakdown point of Tukey’s halfspace median. Science China Mathematics, 2017, 60, 861–874.

[18] Liu, X. (2017). Fast implementation of the Tukey depth. Computational Statistics, 32(4), 1395-1410.

[17] Liu, X., Approximating projection depth median in higher dimensions, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Comput- ation, 2017, 46, 3756-3768.

[16] Liu, X., Wang, Q., Liu Y., A consistent jackknife empirical likelihood test for distribution functions, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2017, 69, 249–269.

[15] Liu, X., Empirical likelihood for the response mean of generalized linear models with missing at random responses, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 2017, 46, 164-173.

[14] Guo, W., Liu, X., Zhang, S., The Principal Correlation Components Estimator and its Optimality, Statistical Papers, 2016, 57, 755-779.

[13] Liu, X., Luo, S., A skewness-adaptive projection depth, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series (数学学报中文版, 国内A), 2015, 58, 1-14.

[12] Liu, X., Yijun Zuo. CompPD: A MATLAB Package for Computing Projection Depth,Journal of Statistical Software(SCI 2017影响因子22.737), 2015, 65(2), 1-21.

[11] Liu, X., Ren, H., Wang, G., Computing halfspace depth contours based on the idea of a circular sequence, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2015, 28, 1399-1411.

[10] Liu, X., Empirical likelihood-based inferences in varying coefficient models with missing data, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2015, 31: 823-840

[9] Liu, X., Zuo, Y., Computing projection depth and its associated estimators, Statistics and Computing, 2014, 24: 51-63.

[8] Liu, X., Zuo, Y., Computing halfspace depth and regression depth. Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 2014, 43: 969-985.

[7] Liu, X., Zuo, Y., Wang, Z., Exactly computing bivariate projection depth contours and median, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2013, 60: 1-11.

[6] Hu, X., Liu, X., Empirical likelihood confidence regions for semivarying coefficient models with linear process errors. Journal of Nonparametric Statistic, 2013, 25: 161-180.

[5] Wang, G., Wang, Z., Liu, X., Empirical likelihood for censored partial linear model based on imputed value. Communication in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2013, 42: 644-659.

[4] Liu, X., Hu, X., Wang, G., Li, B., Zero finite-order serial correlation test in partially linear single index models, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2012, 25(6): 1185-1201.

[3] Liu, X., Wang, Z., Hu, X., Estimation in partially linear single index models with missing covariates. Communication in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2012, 41(18): 3428- 3447.

[2] Liu, X., Wang, Z., Hu, X., Testing heteroscedasticity in partially linear models with missing covariates. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2011, 23 (2): 321-337.

[1] Liu, X., Wang, Z., Hu, X., Wang, G., Testing serial correlation in partially linear single-index errors-in-variables models. Communication in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2011, 40 (14): 2554-2573.

指 导 学 生 情 况


统计学院2012级拔尖班  班主任

统计学院2016级拔尖班  班主任


2015级 蒋亚飞(学硕,已毕业)

2016级 平珊珊 叶佳美 乔阳(学硕,已毕业) 李国栋(专硕,已毕业)

2017级 范雅文(已硕士毕业,并在读博士) 王嘉欣 吴也(来自非洲贝宁,已硕士毕业,并在读博士(中南大学))(学硕) 刘育孜(专硕,已硕士毕业,并在读博士) 李志勇(专硕,已毕业) 万琴(专硕,已毕业)


Jafer Rahman(来自巴基斯坦,已毕业)

Zeinab Rizk(来自埃及)







其 他 情 况




Communication in Statistics: Simulation and computation;

Communication in Statistics: Theory and Method;

Statistics and Probability Letters;

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis;

International Journal of Computer Mathematics;

Journal of Applied Statistics;

Open Journal of Statistics;


Kybernetika-International journal published by Institute of Information Theory and Automation;

Statistical papers;

Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics;

The Canadian Journal of Statistics

Journal of American Statistical Association

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation



Statistica Sinica

Statistics and Its Interface


Journal of the Korean Statistical Society